The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Mexican wave of light could replace Catseyes...

A HI-TECH replacement for Catseyes that can switch itself on when it detects a car and change colour to warn drivers of danger will be tested this...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Shrunken engine gives Mondeo Man new might

The new Ford Mondeo, due to go on sale at the end of this year, will have the world’s most advanced engine.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Mercedes to launch seat warming app

IF THE thought of your car’s icy cabin is keeping you in bed every morning, you’re about to run out of excuses. Mercedes will allow drivers to...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Google Glass for drivers: smart specs set to be allowed...

DRIVERS will soon be able to navigate using information beamed directly into their field of vision, after the government softened its stance on wearable...
McLaren waves goodbye to windscreen wipers with ultrasonic tech

McLaren waves goodbye to windscreen wipers

Like wind-up windows and ashtrays, the humble windscreen wiper is soon to be erased from modern cars.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Tokyo show: Nissan to launch 3E Google Glass-style...

Nissan has released a dramatic film previewing a glasses-type wearable device that could allow a driver to download information from the internet...