Urgent need for pay-per-mile road pricing, MPs say

Urgent need for pay-per-mile road pricing, MPs say

The UK must urgently introduce pay-per-mile road pricing to make up the £35bn budget shortfall created by the switch to electric cars, MPs say.
President Biden

Biden aims for 50% electric cars by 2030

President Biden has announced a plan to advance America’s take-up of more environmentally-friendly vehicles, including a zero-emissions target.
Allegra Stratton is sticking with diesel

Government eco adviser will stick with diesel car

A senior government spokeswoman on environmental affairs has said that she’s not yet ready to make the move to electric motoring.
Tax car makers that don't produce enough electric cars, say former cabinet ministers

Ex-ministers: Introduce carbon tax for car makers

Two former cabinet ministers have said that car makers should face carbon taxes if they don't manufacture enough electric vehicles.
Jeep pulls Super Bowl ad after Springsteen drink driving charge

Springsteen ad pulled after drink driving charge

Jeep has pulled its Super Bowl ad after it was revealed that its star, musician Bruce Springsteen, was charged with drink driving last November.
Free parking for hospital workers to be scrapped

Free parking for hospital workers to be scrapped

The government has caused outcry after announcing that hospital workers will no longer receive free parking at work.
Boris Johnson in crash outside parliament

Boris Johnson in crash outside parliament

A Range Rover belonging Boris Johnson's security detail crashed into the back of the PM's Jaguar after a protester jumped into the road.
Clarkson: farmers “screwed” by Agriculture Bill

Clarkson: Farmers 'screwed' by Agriculture Bill

Jeremy Clarkson has bemoaned the administrative overload of farming in more than one of his columns. This week, he's got a grudge to bear.
Venezuela announces end to free fuel

Venezuelan drivers to start paying for petrol

Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro has announced an end to a system whereby it has been possible to get a tank of petrol for almost nothing.
Trump administration being sued by 23 states over fuel standards

Trump administration sued over relaxed emissions

President Trump’s administration is being sued by nearly two dozen states over lowered standards for fuel economy in the US.
Electric cars now make up 3.2% of new purchases

Electric cars make up 3.2% of new car sales

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) has reported that the sales of EV's went up 243% last month.
Tesla and other EV stocks could rise as Joe Biden begins presidency

Electric car makers could boom under Biden

Within hours of being sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Thursday, Joe Biden began making his mark on American auto.