What is AdBlue, how much is it, and where to buy it?

Governments and the car industry work toward increasingly stringent emissions regulations.
New motorway speed limits have halved pollution in some areas of Wales

New speed limit halves Welsh motorway pollution

Lower speed limits introduced on high-pollution stretches of Welsh motorways have been successful in halving levels of harmful emissions.
Pollution concerns could spell end of free deliveries

Pollution could spell end of free deliveries

An attempt to lower congestion and harmful emissions could spell the end of free internet shopping deliveries, The Times has learnt.
France launches inquiry into Fiat over diesel emissions

France launches inquiry into Fiat over diesel

The diesel emissions scandal widened as French prosecutors announced the opening of a criminal inquiry into allegations that Fiat Chrysler...
Cornwall ‘to evacuate polluted zones’

Cornwall ‘to evacuate polluted zones’

Dozens of families risk losing their homes under compulsory purchase powers and being moved elsewhere to protect them from air pollution.
Diesel cars pumping out twice the toxins of lorries and buses

Diesel cars pump out twice the toxins of lorries

Modern diesel cars produce more than twice as much toxic gas as a lorry or bus of the same age, analysis has found.
Busy roads put millions at higher risk of dementia

Busy roads put millions at higher risk of dementia

More than 10m Britons are at a higher risk of dementia because they live near a busy road, scientists have concluded.
Eco engines are among the most polluting according to new emissions index

Eco engines are among the most polluting according...

A new independent ratings system for vehicle emissions suggests that cars marketed as having some of the cleanest petrol engines available...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Volkswagen emissions scandal: guess who'll pick up...

Drivers face paying hundreds of pounds extra for new cars as the costs of tough environmental controls ushered in after the VW emissions