Major car company ‘forcing’ customers to start paying for vehicles that haven’t been delivered

Buyers of cars from the Stellantis group are being forced to pay for new vehicles that have not yet seen.

Car Clinic: Is my car dealer ripping me off?

Our dealer has quoted £293 to replace a fog light on our Honda Jazz ­— are we being ripped off?
Reader Letters: Car dealer mumbo jumbo and postcode problems

Reader Letters: Car dealer mumbo jumbo and postcode...

Given the nature of the Volkswagen emissions scandal, surely owners deserve a little more transparency when they are advised that their car has had...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Clocking cases on the rise as drivers con dealers...

Clocking is making a comeback, but this time it’s not dodgy garages that are the problem
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Used BMW i8s selling for up to £50,000 more...

Just weeks after the first batch of BMW i8 hypercars arrived in the UK, speculators are selling and advertising used examples for up to £50,000 more...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Videos: Ford Transit and Vauxhall Vivaro square up...

Like a couple of white-van men slugging it out over a lapse in highway etiquette, Ford and Vauxhall are trading videos over who has the toughest van.