NSPCC warns of roadside "Kiki Challenge" dangers

The NSPCC has issued a warning about the Kiki Challenge,'s potential dangers, in response to roadside injuries caused by attempts of the stunt.

Middle-aged biker crashes rise by 65%

They are the born-again bikers who like to recapture their youth by taking to two wheels, but new accident figures show riding a motorcycle can

Sports car maker Wiesmann to return next year

Morgan could soon have a new arch nemesis on the block, as its German rival Wiesmann will be launching an "exciting new model" in 2019.
Racing to the future: driving Jaguar's new I-Pace eTrophy race car

Driving Jaguar's new I-Pace eTrophy race car

Arriving at a sun-baked Silverstone circuit, the roar of high-revving engines and smell of burnt petrol fills the air. GTE sports cars are scream
Me and My Motor: Dee Caffari, round-the-world sailor

Me and My Motor: Dee Caffari

Denise "Dee" Caffari is hardened to the cramped conditions of an ocean-going yacht, having circumnavigated the globe six times. Her boats can...
Bertone-styled Porsche 911 roadster heading to auction

Bertone-styled Porsche 911 heading to auction

It's a Porsche 911 but not as you know it. This head-turning, one-of-a-kind sports car is the work of Bertone, best known for penning the shapes

Video: 70 injured in tanker explosion in Italy

At least 70 people have been injured in a devastating tanker explosion on an autostradale in Bologna, Italy.
Almost half of under-25s think driving should be on the school curriculum

Driverless cars may kill the driving test by 2040s

Self-driving vehicle technology could see driving tests made redundant within the next few decades, the vehicle checker HPI has predicted.

Video: fireman's near miss with child on bike

A Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue commander has implored cyclists to take care on the road, after avoiding a crash with a child cyclist.
Rhinoceros charges into SUV on safari trail

Video: rhinoceros charges into SUV on safari trail

Plenty of drivers have experienced bouts of road rage and being on the receiving end of a horn but few will have had their car roughed up by the
Lamborghini-driving tourist in Dubai amasses nearly £36,000 in speeding fines

Dubai tourist racks up £36K in speeding fines

A British tourist in Dubai has had his passport detained, as a result of racking up nearly £36,000 in speeding penalty charges in the emirate.
Diesel demand continues to drop as new UK car sales stabilise

Diesel demand drops as new UK car sales stabilise

New car buyers are continuing to prefer petrol power over diesel, according to new sales figures released by the SMMT.