Ban 4x4s from green lane routes in Lake District, UN urged

Ban 4x4s from green lane routes in Lake District

Fans of The Fast Show will remember Simon and Lindsey as the off-road bores who spent more time arguing over “epic off-road expeditions” and gett
Fire destroys plug-in hybrid Volvo XC90 while charging

Arsonist destroys plug-in hybrid Volvo XC90

A Volvo hybrid-electric car went up in flames after being left to charge on a family’s driveway.
British lorry operators found to be cheating diesel emissions

British lorry operators found to be cheating diese

Hauliers in the UK have been caught cheating emissions regulations designed to prevent air pollution.

Road signs may help hedgehogs cross in safety

Road signs warning drivers to look out for hedgehogs could soon appear in an effort to save thousands of the animals each year.

Litter thrown from cars kills millions of animals

Millions of voles, shrews and other tiny mammals could be dying each year after becoming trapped inside discarded drinks cans and glass bottles,

Video shows Volkswagen dieselgate 'graveyard'

Astonishing new aeriel video footage show the huge scale of the Volkswagen dieselgate scandal.

Toyota to stop selling new diesel cars in Britain

Toyota is to stop selling diesel-powered passenger cars in Britain by the end of this year, the company announced.
Ministers must cut air pollution in dozens of UK cities, judge rules

Ministers must cut air pollution in cities

A High Court judge has ordered the government to take greater action to improve air quality in 33 towns and cities after ruling that its plans fo
CO2 emissions from new cars rose in 2017

CO2 emissions from new cars rose in 2017

CO2 emissions from new cars sold in Britain last year rose for the first time since 2000.

Middle classes drive electric car boom

The middle classes are driving demand for electric cars - but have nowhere to charge a battery.

Shampoo ‘as bad a health risk as car fumes’

Shampoo, oven cleaner, deodorant and other household products are as significant a source of the most dangerous form of air pollution as cars, re
Pigeons "the perfect tool" for monitoring air pollution

Pigeons "the perfect tool" to monitor pollution

They have been maligned as “rats of the sky”, a filthy menace blighting our cities. Could it be, though, that far from spreading illness from...