VW suffers hit in ongoing dieselgate scandal

VW suffers hit in ongoing dieselgate scandal

Car making giant Volkswagen has been dealt another blow by judges in ongoing action regarding diesel emissions.
Audi apologises for “insensitive” RS4 advert

Audi apologises for 'insensitive' RS4 advert

German car maker Audi has been forced to apologise after publishing an advert that was deemed to be inappropriate and provocative.
Elon Musk says Tesla Cybertruck has got over 200,000 reservations

Tesla Cybertruck has over 200,000 reservations

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has revealed that more than 200,000 people have made deposits for the electric car maker’s soon-to-be released Cybertruck.
Car sales

UK car sales bounce back in July

After a catastrophic first half of the year due to the coronavirus lockdown, UK car sales in July were up 11.3% on the same month in 2019.
Audi may replace R8 and TT with pure-electric equivalents

Audi R8 and TT could be reborn as pure-electric

A review of Audi’s lineup could spell the end of the current iterations of the R8 supercar and TT sports car.
Mitsubishi will not bring any new models to the UK

Mitsubishi ends new models for the UK

Mitsubishi has confirmed that it will not bring any new models to the UK as it focuses on more profitable markets including Asia.
Gulf Oil returns to F1 with McLaren

McLaren F1 cars get legendary Gulf Oil colours

The logo of Gulf Oil, an iconic image in motor sport, is returning to the track — on McLaren’s F1 cars.
Fuel duty revenue plummets during lockdown

Fuel duty revenue plummets during lockdown

The coronavirus lockdown left a gaping £2.4bn hole in the treasury’s income from fuel duty in April and May, compared with last year.
Tesla makes first full year of profit

Tesla makes first full year profit

Electric car maker Tesla has turned a profit for the fourth quarter in a row, completing its first full year of profit since it was founded.
German motorists can lease Renault Zoe for free

German motorists 'can lease Renault Zoe for free'

German motorists are able to lease an electric car for two years for free, thanks to a generous government grant.
Lotus boss Phil Popham interview with Will Dron: Evija hypercar back on track as company expands after lockdown - Evija hypercar

Lotus boss: Evija hypercar back on track

Lotus CEO Phil Popham talks about how his company has weathered lockdown, its electric future, the Evija hypercar and SUVs.
New car registrations down 35% in June

Diesel car sales down as electric sales surge

Nearly 250,000 private car sales have been lost because of the coronavirus pandemic, as the registrations of new cars fell 34.9% in June.